This short film "Vol de Jour" by Karl Lagerfeld shows two models: the beautiful Lara Stone and the handsome Baptiste Giabiconi, basically shoplifting Chanel clothes for 3 minutes. I'm not sure what the message of this film is supposed to be but watching Baptiste checking himself out in the mirror, Zoolander style, is priceless. For the rest, even without dialogue, it's badly acted and badly filmed....but you know what? I LIVE FOR BAD MOVIES! I've watched every Jessica Simpson's movie, the craptastic "Gigli" with JLO and Ben Affleck and even the incredibly stupid "Glitter" with Mariah "wooden face" Carey. So, trust me, I know stale acting when I see it! At least it's a commercial and not a Hollywood production!
Warning: you will not get these 3 minutes of your life back. No refund, sorry.
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