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Mancow Muller hopes to bring Garry Meier back on corporate radio and kick start radio Bill Corgan

       Lionel Wagner
  Mancow Muller is some old shock jock of little national importance once gaining some media leverage and voice some time back through Fox News and Vince McMahon's WWF wrestling. Mancow Muller recently came back to Chicago's radio airwaves to abysmal ratings as the few corporate sports dominated that still offer local mentality radio stations in this city that still offer local brioadcasts basically retread the same announcers, voices, broadcasters, and disc jockeys over and over again like a bad rap record or a Billy Corgan song.
Some are saying that Mancow  Muller is tired of the hard work of doing all of the talking and may be thinking of a trio talk show with the veteran Chicago broadcast legend Gary Meier who hosted with Steve Dahl for some three decades adding some sensibility to the lifetime addict and drunk Mr Dahl. Mancow is also recruiting Billy Corgan into more of a radio personality having tell the former Smashing Pumpkins singer his music sucks and he is over the hill bald like a bat and getting older and worse sounding by them minute. Mancow Muller is on a recruiting mission and always willing to help struggling actd and voices to accomplish what he has and this is rebound of job and corporate radio position.

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