Tony Miselli
Money Speak
GRamers sensational Greek language gaming streaming program is hosted by these two young Greeks who just want to play video game all of their lives in their parents basement and put YouTube videos of it on-line. These two guys are the preeminent Eurotrash gamers with incredible twit and wit on their on-line social gaming site where they constantly attacks leftists,socialists, an shit heads. Nikos and Mistakos are clearly worried of the growing authoritarian of the Turkish Republic that is in a constant ever expansion mood not seen since the days of Mehmen the Conqueror and make no
mistake Nikos and Mistakos are concerned as fuck. The last thing they want to do is go to war and be forced apart from their video game consoles and fight the Turks in pitched battles as Greeks have had to do for a millennial against the Moslems. Nikos and Mistakos came aboard their award winning YouTube program and opened their Christmas Gifts. These guys wished everyone a merry Christmas and happy new year and played some Battlezone ,Zoom, and Dr Danger for their millions and millions of global on-line fans all while bashing America propagandist fat fuck Cenk Uygur/ These two can't believe that the moronic host of the Young Turks is actually consider voting this clown into congress and if a Cenk Ogre becomes part of the American political spectrum a legitimate vice in politics. The Greek duo also said that those money sources donating to politics to try to upend American politics likely will give this fa Turk millions to make a serous run . Nikos wondered if
Californians were so gullible to actually buy the message this scumbag will put forth out likey in tango with Turkish warlord dictator Recep Tayipp who now threatens both Cyprus and Greece with his wicked play and claim of all sea water resources around the Mediterranean. The embolden of Mr Erdogon and Turkey clearly has to do with massive money funding these old and Young Turks are receiving to meddle into American politics and culture. They also mocked Cenk's tweets about the bitches of Miami and how he couldn't get laid and perhaps if he jockeys to be a sultan one day Mr Uygur can have a harem of his own.
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