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Karren Brady it’s nothing personal

Karren Brady it’s nothing personal

Karren Brady had rubbed some of the contestants the wrong way during her time on the Apprentice. She also had to hold her own with a lot of opinionated men. She was a strong woman and always was and equal to anyone in the boardroom. A lot of people saw her as abrasive and a bit of a bitch. She was also attractive. A lot of the men she worked with secretly spent a lot of time mentally undressing her and having all sorts of fantasies about her. She was always incredibly serious, stern and businesslike. All of this made her the perfect candidate for a gunging. There were a lot of people who would have loved to see it happen to her. A lot of people wanted to see Karren Brady get her comeuppance. Seeing the stoic, serious businesswoman covered in mess seemed like a perfect scenario. Karren’s reaction would be something that lots of people would be interested in seeing.

One day, it was decided , by everyone else on the Apprentice that the next time the team Karren was representing lost a challenge, she would be facing a consequence. However, no one informed her of this. Basically, she was being completely set up by everyone else on the show. She had nothing to do with how the team performed. Her role was to observe and feedback what she saw. She had no impact on the task, but she was going to get the punishment.

Inevitably, Karren’s team lost the challenge the next week. Lord Sugar then surprised everyone by saying, “Karren you were with the team who lost. Unbeknownst to you, this will result in a punishment. Members of the teams are always fired , but this time Karren, we have a punishment set up for you.” “Um, excuse, me what/,”Karren asked, not even really fully taking in what Lord Sugar had said. “Karren, you are going to be the guest of honour today in a very special gunge tank.” Karren tried to collect her thoughts. “Gunge tank? Um, can we talk about this? What do you mean gunge tank?,” she said calmly, but starting to panic. “I meant what I said. You are going to go to the gunge tank Karren now its time to depart,” he said. Before she knew what was happening, Karren was being led out of the boardroom and downstairs to the foyer where a gunge tank was set up. Karren knew that Lord Sugar was the boss and she would have to follow his orders or else he might fire her as well. She could not believe that this was happening. The phrase, “Gunge tank” ran through her mind over and over again.

Karren knew straight away that she was in for some humiliation. This was not going to be fun for Karren. She was used to bossing people around and having the upper hand. She entered the lobby and caught her first glimpse at the gunge tank. “Oh…my…god,” she said, putting her hands over her mouth. She wore a dark grey skirt suit. She was quickly marched across the lobby towards the gunge tank. Her jaw dropped when she caught sight of the tank. She couldn’t say much though, as she walked towards it. The door on the bottom was opened and she walked in. She looked downwards and lowered herself into the seat. The door was closed on Karren. Karren looked forward. The candidates and others from the show came down to witness this. Karren looked mortified with embarrassment. She was not going to be looking very dignified for very much longer.

“Karren, your team lost, now you have to pay the price,” Lord Sugar said. Karren responded with a muted,” Thank you, Lord Sugar.” She was truthfully bricking it at this point. She looked very embarrassed. She was trying to appear cool and calm, but was blushing and sweating much more than she was letting on. “Karren, there is consequences to losing at all times. No one is exempt. Let this be a warning to you,” Lord Sugar said. Karren was in a state of shock almost. Nick was going to get to do the honours. He was savouring getting a chance to do this to the much younger, very attractive Karren. Karren quietly shook her head. She licked her lips. She kept her eyes ahead of her and on the ground. “Nick you may let her have it,” Lord Sugar said.

Nick went over and stood to the side. He pulled on a cord. In an instant, bright hot pink gunge began to pour down on Karren’s head from above. Karren focussed on what was straight ahead of her as she felt the gunge tipping down over her. The gunge was thick and smooth. It made contact with Karren’s head slightly off centre to one side. There was an audible gasp when the gunge finally landed initially on Karren’s head. It poured down her nose and down one side of her face. It dripped down her face, covering three quarters of one side of her face. It then began to cover the other side of her face. She could feel the messy gunge pouring down on her body. Karren was now having to deal with the reality of gallons of gunge pouring down on her. Karren was someone who always acted serious and wanted to be respected in the business world. This would never be the same again after today. This was something that no one was ever going to forget. The candidates for the show watched and did their best not to laugh at Karren’s humiliation. She kept a serious, straight face, which just seemed to make the whole thing that much more hilarious. Part of Karren’s face was still visible around the gunge. Her expression could still be seen. She wiggled her arms, gunge dripping down the length of her body.

Orange gunge now began to pour down onto Karren. It dumped from above down onto Karren’s head and over her face. She could feel it down on her breasts and over her thick thighs. It dripped down her skirt and all over her legs, down her calves. Karren squirmed in her seat. She could feel the gunge collecting underneath her backside on the seat below. She could feel the gunge covering her clothes and body. She could not believe how much gunge was covering her. She moved her legs and body around in the mess that was poured. She was completely saturated in gunge everywhere by this point. It was cold and damp. Karren rang her hands over her face, trying to clear some of the gunge away, but more continued to pour over her, overwhelming her. For a minute the gunge stopped. Karren struggled to wipe some of the gunge away.

Karren hoped that it was all over. But unfortunately for her, this was only the beginning. Now the gunge had stopped but what was to come was far worse than any gunge could have ever been. In a minute she would be wishing that it had been only gunge that she was covered in. Karren looked up because she thought that the mess had now ceased. This was a bit of a mistake because as she looked up, she was greeted by a torrent of egg salad. It smelled disgusting, like rotten eggs. It fell in huge sloppy yellow lumps. The first bit that fell was enormous. It was wider than Karren’s head. It fell from above and landed straight in Karren’s mouth. When it hit, Karren was treated to a disgusting rotten egg salad taste. As soon as it hit, she flung her head forward. The enormous blob of egg salad flew from her mouth as her head jerked forward. Karren gagged, but the egg salad did not stop pouring. As she struggled to get the disgusting taste out of her mouth, more of it was pouring down onto her from above. All of it was covered in some kind of slimy yellow substance. The disgusting substance poured down Karren’s face and collected on top of her head. Karren squirmed and struggled in the mess. She shook her arms and hands.

Now baked beans began to pour down from above. They were the cheapest of the cheap. It was ironic that this rich business woman, who clearly looked down on common people as well as people whom she felt were “not as successful” as she was, was now getting totally trashed with disgusting cheap food. She probably would act as if she was too good to even eat food like this normally. A close up was shown of Karren closing her eyes as the baked beans poured over her from above. Because, Karren’s head was quite large, it made a very good target. Karren closed her eyes as she felt cold sloppy baked beans pouring down her face from above. She could feel the beans against her skin and clothes. The beans poured down her breasts and over her chunky bare legs. The candidates wanted to cheer and laugh, but they had to restrain themselves. Nick peered over stoically as he pulled the cord, releasing the mess onto Karren Brady. Hundreds of beans in their disgusting bean sauce poured down onto Karren as she cringed. When they finally stopped, she placed her hands on her face and ran her fingers upwards through her hair, pushing some away. The beans really matched her red hair. More still fell down her face and breasts. The vision of Karren Brady’s distinctive face dripping in baked beans would not be easily forgotten.

Next Karren was treated to something a bit more up market. It was a sort of salmon fish pate. It was a bit liked tuna fish. It was a greyish pink colour. It seemed to be salmon mixed with mayonnaise and other ingredients. It looked as though a whole tray of it was dumped from above onto Karren at once. A huge slab of the stuff, about two feet wide fell from the sky, landing on Karren’s head. It hit her head and sort of folded over on either side. It stuck to the top of her head and folded over either side of her face. Instead of falling away, the vast majority of the mess stayed in place on Karren’s face. She used her fingers and pulled some of it away. This caused chunks of it to fall down her body, landing on her stomach and legs. It all then collapsed, sending more mess down her face and chest. A huge bit still stuck to the top of her head, like some bizarre Mohawk hairstyle.

Finally, Karren was treated to a full meal. It all began to pour down on her head in sequence. First there were starters. Broccoli and stilton soup poured down on her followed by prawn cocktail. Before she had time to think, she was being treated to the main course. From above fell bits of roast beef in gravy, carrots, stuffing, bits of Yorkshire pudding, mashed potato, mashed carrot and suede, peas, cauliflower and parsnips. It was a whole roast dinner pouring on her at once. Everything was mixed together in thick brown gravy. It seemed to pour down on her for ages. Karren getting covered in the sloppy dinner from head to toe. It was soon followed by pudding. Apple crumble with custard fell from above on her. If she did not like that, she was also offered the option of sticky toffee pudding, which also plummeted down onto her shortly afterward. Karren was smeared from head to toe in three courses of dinner. Her whole body was covered in the food. She looked up silently. She tried to show no expression, but the humiliation that she was feeling was clear on her face.

“Ok everyone the show is over. You may leave. May this be a lesson to all of you,” Lord Sugar said. “Thank you, Lord Sugar,” they all responded as they left. Karren was left sitting on her own in the booth silently. She eventually brushed herself down and left to go have a long shower and clean herself off. Nick and Lord Sugar would watch the tape back many times for their own personal enjoyment as would a lot of people who worked with Karren in the business world. There were many who would have imagined something like that happening to her for some time and would take great amusement from seeing it happen. No one really dared to mention it to Karren afterwards. She had very little sense of humour regarding this. She would do her best to try to forget that it ever happened at all.

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