In his declaration of faith before blowing himself up, the Mo-Ron stated, "“Our actions will speak for themselves. As long as you continue to wage your war against Islam and insulting the prophet and your stupid support of the pig Vilks."
You can read more about his glorious act in Car Bomb: Christmas Jihad in Stockholm
Thank you, oh Brave Shaheed, for reminding us what the true heart of Islam looks like. Not to mention your innards. In memory of your achievement, I present a couple of cartoons, including one featuring the glorious Prophet Mohammed (may peat be upon him).
For bi-weekly images ready-made for idol-worship and/or outrage, visit Shades of Gray for Mohammed Mondays, and be sure to mark your calendars the second annual Everybody Draw Mohammed Day on May 20, 2011.
Oh, and here's one of the Lars Vilks drawing that the mighty shadeen referred to in his statement.
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