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The Real me!!!!!

hey there all you sassy kittens...i am so excited to be tagged by the fab-u-less Mrs. Inky...from shrinky inkys fine adventures...to show the a picture of the"Real Me!"

ahhh gals...this picture is it! I am totally the hostess with the mostess, I love when people come by! ...So as they say...i am always ready to put on the dog!

The" Real Me"...in my element camping! This was after 3 days of dry camping in the ol' arizona dirt...so to say the "Real Me" is so so true!

The "Real Me"...and comfiest... in my cute 40's housedresses and piggy tails...ahhhhh...Me!

Thanks Mrs. Inky...for such a fun post...now hmmmm...who shall i tag!?

1. miss Fleur...a diary of a vintage girl
2. miss Matilda...of miss matilda's delights
3.miss va-voom...of va-voom vintage
4. miss Syd ...of golden girl of the west
5. miss brook...of not quite vintage

have a blast kittens...this has been so much fun! Do it gals...show the real you on your own blogs...I choose you all! The Real YOU! thanks for swingin' by & playin' ...Cat~

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