Jerry Palmer
The amount of malls in this country is staggering as they build more and more despite the trend of on-line shopping and less spending available for people. professor Richard Wolff is a personal favorite of this blog and he took on the ugly eye sore which is the mall space obsessions of local villages. In rural and suburban areas of America preferred construction firms are allowed time and again to build malls despite little need for actual shopping in areas. they are building space and new strip malls outside of big dead malls that make absolutely no fucking sense and basically how the scam works is development companies make money from villages regardless if these mall spaces are ever filled.

Most in fact will become null and void until some immigrants are allowed to invest their dirty dark dollars into these suburban communities to gain political advantages and a voice. professor Richard Wolff went on to explain that this country's mall space is staggering in amount of square footage per person and much of it is unnecessary as malls after malls become empty as consumers find it harder to keep up with purchases and power. many of these malls are temples of globalization and offer little of value to the consumer except in ugly architecture and plenty of parking space to walk far from. the fact that few malls have great grocery stores offering fresh green products is another practical problem that Richard Wolff explored as most of the food courts are filled with high sugar cinnamon type places and fast food /mall chain outlet eateries. Some of the luxury malls though are having expensive restaurants attached where only the upper echelon of society can splurge on after a night out of splurging on clothing consumption. The problem of inequality was explored as the upper classes have made things more expensive and difficult for the shopping ability of the masses as once was seemingly available for people. the construction of malls though is not abating as government subsidies and contracts are continually given to these companies to plant gas stations and ore profit driven slave-wage imported oversea clothing retail outlets in this political and financing scams that alters the beautiful landscape of America into one continuous ugly mall of America.

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