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Jesse Jackson blasts Donald Trump and agitates for more gang party take over at parks in Chicago as he contemplates a run for the White House in 2020

Cecil Brewster
   The Reverend Jesse Jackson is an urban legend  has a column in the Chcago Sun Times and he recently blasted away at Donald Trump in another typical liberal attack on his foreign policies and guides. Jesse says we don't need to drop bobs and build up the military instead we must have smart diplomacy and talk to the rag tag armies of the Taliban as if they were respected citizens wanting freedom in their native Afghanistan instead of the religious extremism and advocates for brutal sharia law where women are never allowed to leave the house nor show skin. Jesse Jackson is furious that so much money is spent bombing Syrian jets and helping aid Saudi Arabias annexation of Yemen while no money goes to the poor people in cities across America and he promises to make this a platform for his next campaighn in 2020.
Chicago recently saw five thousand gang members converge on a park in the West side of Chicago with many of them totting guns and threats and the police were unable to contain them. Jesse may well use these urban warriors some day to empower himself and force Americas industrial weapons complex to start worrying more about domestic issues instead of foreign escapades that basically serve and fuel money to the coffers of our puppet cronies overseas. Jesse Jackson hopes one day still to be the first African-American resident of the United States ad is why he works so feverishly these days as a respected member of the Media bashing and attacking his potential rival Donald Trump in 2020.

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