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The New Beginnings

Remember this piece of advice about experiencing new things to help you grow as a person? Well, I really liked this one and I think I'm taking my best shot to incorporate it into my everyday life. New home, new language, new friends, new diet, new sports, new hobbies, new habits... All that to try to find my place in the universe where I could feel whole and at peace with myself.

And sometimes I feel like I'm getting there, just a couple more steps. But most of the time, I'm not so sure I can do that. It feels like such a struggle, like there are so many things changing around me, and I just want my old life back; if I could just curl into a ball in my old bedroom with one of my favorite childhood books and hear my mum calling me from downstairs for a cup of tea, with lemon and sugar of course.

But in those moments of uncertainty, I try not to lose sight of the bigger picture. You know, as a teenager, I never imagined myself in the place where I am now. I never thought so many beautiful, unexpected and unique things would happen to me: meeting the love of my life so early, studying something not-so-practical but which I feel passionate about, moving across the Atlantic, discovering blogging and being able to develop my passions. Yet, it all happened to me and I am grateful. I count my blessings even if they overwhelm me.

Why am I writing this? I'm not entirely sure. Holidays are ending and soon I'll be studying again albeit remotely, my last, fifth year of university, and fall always feels like a new beginning. Will it bring me inspiration to carpe diem and strength to follow my dreams?

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