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Argan+ Precious Oil Elixir review

Since Argan oil has burst onto the beauty scene, I've seen and heard many raving reviews claiming it to be a miracle product, particularly for hair.

When I received an email showing a new range of products with Argan oil as the main ingredient, I thought I'd give it a go and see what all the fuss is about.
The range of Argan+ products is predominantly for the body/skin as opposed to hair, with products including a body polish (scrub), body butter, body oils and sculpting serum.
I decided to go for an all rounder from the Argan+ range, the Precious Oil Elixir which can be used all over the body from hair to nails. The logo encompasses an "A" with the number "5" within it as it contains 4 other African oils too: Baobab, Kukui, Moringa and Sachi Inci oils. These oils provide skin and hair with intense nourishment.
This elixir oil can also be used in hair as a treatment before washing, to condition dry/dehydrated skin, hair and nails; stretch marks and also on the face with moisturiser.

Packaging: The bottle is cute and dinky but feels like a quality product. I do have qualms with the dispensing part of the bottle; as it has a tiny hole it's hard to get a fair amount of the product out; obviously it's a rich product so you wouldn't want too much out in one go, but this dispenser barely gets any product out (unless you tap it like the old school ketchup bottles!)
Texture/Feel: The oil feels nice and smooth straight away and leaves skin feeling beautifully soft and supple (I found myself touching my face a lot after mixing a bit with moisturiser!)
Scent: The scent is a lovely rich/exotic smell, it reminds me of Tom Ford Black Orchid for some reason! Overall I quite like the smell.
Price: This product will be selling at £12.99 for 50ml; this may seem like a lot for such a small amount but as you only need a small amount because of it's richness, so it should last a fairly long time.
Overall FrootiFactor: I would give this oil a 5 out of 5 however I do find the nozzle/dispensing method a bit tedious so I'll have to give it a 4.5!

I've been using this oil for a few weeks now and in the last couple days I haven't used it at all to see if I've noticed a difference.
I have to say where I'd mix it with my body lotion before I had lovely soft supple skin and just in the last couple days where I haven't used it I've noticed a dryness on my arms and particularly my feet which are the most neglected part of my body. I'd definitely recommend this product if you feel your body needs a boost from head to toe (literally). 

Argan+ is available from Boots and prices range from £8.99 to £14.99.

Have you tried any Argan Oil products before? What has your experience been with them and which other brands would you recommend?

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